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  • Nosy Eye: The Secret Team of Contractors That Weaponize Disinformation to Manipulate Reality

Nosy Eye: The Secret Team of Contractors That Weaponize Disinformation to Manipulate Reality

Nosy Eye: The Secret Team of Contractors That Weaponize Disinformation to Manipulate Reality

Here’s what we got for you in this edition:

  • The new direction of Nosy Eye

  • The Team of Israeli Contractors That Offer(ed) PsyOps as a Service

  • If you’re a high-level executive or investor: how to think about your privacy

The New Direction of Nosy Eye

Based on your feedback (which we greatly appreciate), we did some thinking and have set out to do better for you.

In respect of your inbox and attention, we’ve decided to post new editions of Nosy Eye 1-2 times per week.

Within each edition you’ll receive more insightful deep dives on modern-day privacy matters (based on our experience and public happenings) and what you can realistically do in the context of your personal life.

Welcome [back] to Nosy Eye.

Team Jorge: The Team of Israeli Contractors That Offer(ed) PsyOps as a Service

Photo Credit: Forbidden Stories

In a recent exposé that has left the world reeling, The Guardian revealed the inner workings of Team Jorge, a shadowy group accused of meddling in elections and conducting psychological operations (psy-ops).

With an intriguing story that seems ripped from the script of a Jason Bourne movie, let’s take a closer look at the victims of these psy-ops and what Team Jorge was up to.

At its core, psy-ops are strategic actions designed to manipulate the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of people, groups, or entire populations.

These covert operations are often undertaken to sway public opinion, disrupt political processes, or control the narrative on social and political issues.

The victims of psy-ops are typically unsuspecting civilians (some even high-ranking), organizations, or governments whose beliefs and actions are manipulated through carefully crafted disinformation campaigns.

What's truly unsettling is that these people may never realize they've been targeted.

Team Jorge, named after its elusive leader, has been exposed for offering a wide range of services, including social media manipulation, fake news creation, and the orchestration of online harassment campaigns.

Their known operations have left a trail of chaos, from meddling in elections to sowing discord in various communities. The Guardian's investigation brought to light the extent of Team Jorge's impact on the global stage.

But Team Jorge is not alone in this murky world of disinformation.

There are numerous other groups operating under the radar, manipulating public opinion and shaping the narrative to suit their clients' interests.

This chilling revelation is a wake-up call to governments, organizations, and individuals to be ever vigilant against such malicious actors.

The exposure of Team Jorge gives us a rare glimpse into the secretive world of psy-ops and dis-info campaigns. This has implications for high-level executives and investors who may be vulnerable to manipulation and misinformation.

It's crucial for you to take your personal privacy protocol more seriously and implement robust measures to protect yourself and your organization from from threats as targeted as this.

Without trying to sound overly-dramatic, digital warfare is a real thing.

If you’re a high-level executive or investor: here’s how to think about your privacy

Privacy for executives and investors has a very different privacy profile than the average, but not less important, joe.

You’re more concerned with physical privacy because of the significant amount of money and data under your supervision.

Here are three things you should take into consideration:

1. Physical home location

  • Make your home as inconspicuous as possible.

  • Where possible (and with the guidance/advice of your lawyer), put your home in a trust.

  • Blur your home on Google maps.

  • Use PO boxes to receive your mail.

  • Many online services do not need your real physical address. Avoid using it.

  • Order to your business office instead of your physical home.

2. Your travel habits

When checking into hotels, traveling to events, etc., avoid putting reservations in your name when you can help it. Use the company’s name instead.

When making hotel reservations, discuss with the front desk about your specific situation and they'll accommodate you.

When traveling international, research the destination ahead of time. Depending on your situation, traveling with armed security should be considered, especially in high-risk countries that specialize in kidnappings.

3. Your data trail

Think about what data you leave behind:

  • What services do you use?

  • What hardware do you use? This includes your cell phone (That little tracking device we all willingly carry around).

  • If you are using software services, use unique usernames between accounts.

Use a VPN for when browsing online to originate your IP address from the same location as other users of the VPN. This lets you hide better amongst the crowd. Remember the Gray Man?

Can We Shake On It?

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